In Vishnu's Dreams

The skies swirl in blue and pink
A solar storm? No, it’s something more – 
A different world, a different time
I know I am lost in another lore

There are stars hidden in the underground
I don’t see, I can feel them all
And around them each, a pulsing force
Inside my spine, they rise and fall

And the skies and the ground, they seem to merge
A force that wills us, to die to be one
The world an atom, a bubble of dream
That needs not sky, nor moon or sun

The stars fall apart, I can hear the cries
When a pair of eyes opens in the sky
The Blue God wakes - if his dreams don’t last
Then all must fall that once was a lie

‘Go back to sleep,’ I softly croon
‘It’s not yet time for you to wake’
And I somehow will the God to sleep
For I alone do know, what is at stake

And as He sleeps, I seem to wake
The green skies turn to the blue I know,
The noisy world comes back to life,
And I seem to feel the times that flow

‘What happened to you?’ my cat, she asks
Did I utter anything in my sleep?
I was deep inside Vishnu’s dreams,
When I willed Him to return to his slumber deep’

‘Strange,’ she says, ‘A dreamer alone can steer his dreams – 
How can you then change, that what is His?’
I answer not, for I'm lost in those eyes –
Have I seen them before in the timeless seas…

20th July, 2020


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