As Autumn comes


The world has started growing old, in this cycle maze,

Sunlight wafts with orange now, though shorter are the days

And somewhere lies an emptiness, with which the heart, it grieves

The smell of darkness everywhere, save for the ruddy leaves

And yet, the winds assure you, though crisp and cold and dry

(The world, the wind or perhaps me – one of us a lie)

But I go back to my autumn gaze, the leaves drop one by one

When winter lies inside the eyes, summer’s not the sun


And yet, the winds bring mirth again, like the refrain of a song

Lighter feels the shadows now - with me you lift along

She speaks with autumn in her eyes, you have to cheer them all,

The chain of life is a bonded gift, don’t single spring or fall

And unless you sing with all of them, the seasons will not flow -

For then the sun will always shine, the clouds will come and go…



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