Keep the memories

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Keep the memories,

They don’t come up very often these days -

Not because there is no petrichor

Nor paler is the  sunset blaze


Just that, the pages in our daily diaries

Have all become too full,

Perhaps a scribble here, a squiggle there,

But then, who do we try to fool?


How about then, cleaning the dust

Off the musty notebooks few?

Stored in a shadowy corner;

There keep the memories, can you?


I know you’ll find a dogeared page

Left blank, a long time back

Bookmarked in days when you were white

And I was dreamy black


Could you see the emptiness then

Though starry was the Milky Way?

Did you know we’ll see the sunlight pour

In the midnight of a wintry day?


When I would ask to ink and store

A shard of memory light,

And you would smile, for none would have

A pen with which to write…


14th December, 2022


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