Beneath the Bunya Pines

Beneath the bunya pines, I rest

My tired heart and mind,

Under their shade, I feel I leave

My tired world behind


The stand of Pines lies on the hills

Above urban thoroughfares,

An oasis filled with greenery,

With sheep and prancing hares


Timeless stands the bunya pines

Left on their own, alone

Remnant of an ancient Farm

Where citrus trees were grown


The rolling hills around the pines

Make a meadow evergreen,

And from that hilltop, city lights

From faraway be seen


It is under these towering pines

I find my sanctum pure,

Their shadows under sunny skies

There is no better cure


And hear the miners, cockatoos

As they flit through shade and shine

Only bettered by the winds

When they whisper through the pine

The meadows remind of bugyals that

I left far behind at home,

Alpine pastures - snow clad peaks

This heart still yearns to roam


And sometimes the horizon’s whitened clouds

Look like a mountain chain,

The icy illusion good enough

To melt out all the pain


And thus I dream under the pines

Merging present with the past

My dreamy ship wandering worlds

The pine trees as its mast


I have often wondered why I like

The hills, the pines, their song

Perhaps because under their shade

I see the rights from wrong


I find snowy shards of a distant past,

Of unforgettable mountains blue

But in that peacefulness of pine

I see the present too


The shadows cool on emerald grass

Help me stop and breathe

The future blooms with hope and love

Above the rolling heath


 When dusk descends, the pine trees stare

At the setting crimson sun,

In that quietude, we all stand still

There is no more need to run


Perhaps the antique trees of age

Help slow the speed of time,

Above their roots, under their shade

This world turns more sublime


And when we sip their magic air

We turn some wiser grey,

We understand that of all this time

What’s better than today?


And so beneath the bunya pines,

I go back oft again,

And all the seasons merge as one

Summer skies and winter rain…


01st April, 2024


Inspired by the stand of Bunya Pines at the historic Bella Vista Farm - where the Australian Merino wool industry commenced more than a hundred years back, and which once housed the country’s largest fruit farm. The towering pines - planted atop a hill to act as an arboreal lighthouse to show the position of the Farm house - have outlived the  farm and its many generations of owners, and still stand as silent sentinels preserved in a bubble of timelessness standing atop, and afar from the busyness of the city that sprawls around it.

Images - AI generated anime versions of the images of the Farm


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