Midnight’s poets


I am a midnight’s poet

I stare at the darkness outside

And look out

For all those twinkling lights

In the hills of faraway

Fighting the emptiness

Of a blacked-out world


Some are connecting

With their loved ones

From many a seas afar

Some are bathing in the joy

Of newfound love

Feeling special, yet cautious

Seeking solace in the dark timelessness

Of the midnight’s veil

Others like me,

We stare outside

And bring life to our emotions

Crying tears

That our hardened eyes

Refuse to shed


We are all midnight’s poets,

Vigilantes perhaps

Refusing to yield to the slumber

Of the wearied day

Or perhaps, we are misfits -

We stay awake at night

For we have been scarred too often

By the brightness of a sunny day


I switch off my lamp

And stare at the twinkling lights

That mimic the stars

As the wintry fog rolls in

But perhaps someone else far away

Was looking at my lamp,

Drawing inspiration, writing tears,

I switch my lamp on again –

And keep alive

This invisible brotherhood

Of the poets of the dark…


28th June 2024


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