No Man's Land


We are all trapped in No Man’s Land.

Some of us

Are trapped in space –

We have moved to a different land

That can never become home

Without family, friends

And the familiar faces that gave sanctuary

To the space we called home.

We are trapped in No Man’s Land

In the delusion

Of finding yesterday’s redemption,

In tomorrow’s refuge


The rest are trapped as well

In No Man’s Land, of time –

Unable to move out

Of yesterday’s pain,

Or bluff of bliss

Or the falsified intoxication

Of whatever anchor there is to the past

Unable to move in

To the changes of tomorrow’s tests;

And in that tug-of-war

Stretched thin between two worlds

Yet, non-existent in both


We are all trapped in No Man’s Land.

Perhaps we have moved so much

We have forgotten

Where we came from

Perhaps we seek so much

We fail to focus

Where it is

We need to get to

We fight but fail to blur what really matters –

Borders, boundaries, bridges that never existed

Carving out no-man’s lands

Within our own kingdoms…


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