(Culacinno – Italian: The ring left on a table from a moist glass)
On dried days as these, we say
The Glass is empty -
But is it not a wonder still -
Patterns as in our life, silicate, sparkling
Bedek the holder of our dreams
It is still empty, you say
But what stops you from filling it?
With your tears and prayers
With your hopes and promises
Of cooled water on a summer’s day
The water – that will always be gone
But look closely, my friend
There’s hearts of moisture
Clinging to the glass
A sheen of mist to hide the truth
There’s hues of your carmine lips
That graced the glass not long back
Ridges of your tender finger tips
Imprinted on the glass –
And you still think of emptiness?
And even if one day, the glass be taken,
Lost, vanquished, splintered
Look again, a faint trace
Of Culacinno reassure
The heart is filled forever every day…
6th Feb’ 2025
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