

We cannot, nor need not, always

Be heroes in our own tale,

Somewhere, the story needs us to stumble,

For the Hero also needs to fail


With broken hearts and bleeding arms

We too can stumble, weep and fall

Perhaps because our stories are intertwined

And someone else, needs to stand up tall


There are chapters too, where we

Are mere spectators, unbelievably

How can we not lead the way, show the world

The true heroes that we ought to be


Alas, such is the omnibus of our lives,

We keep writing each day a page

The sun sets - we lose, we watch

As we turn old, now more wise, and sage


Until one day, we realise -

Our heroism was not in our own fight

But in showing others newer paths

That they leave their darkness for our light


That, to stand back and lose was also a win

For heroes have each their songs -

And the heroism was in the divine grace

To let others right their human wrongs…


15th Feb’ 2025







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